Hatpins - Freya Flora Band Ad - Violet and Blue

It’s a beautiful and breezy spring day where I am, which puts me in a mood to look at pretty flowers. Or better still, to wear them! Now, while first life self doesn’t do so well with actually wearing the plant life, second life self LOVES doing so. So this weekend’s bargain item is perfect. The Freya Flora band is featured this weekend in delectable shades of violet and blue. I think I shall plant her atop my head and find a pretty dress to match, something flowy as I wish to dance in a meadow and scrunch my bare toes in the grass. Where would you wear her? Perhaps lunch in a little garden style cafe, surrounded by friends. Or maybe frolicking in the forest while wearing your favorite fae wings! Oh how I adore a good frolic. Puts smiles in the heart it does. I wish you a weekend filled with heart smiles and we’ll see you at Hatpins!

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